Last week the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development asked VTGC to provide an introduction to our organization and an overview of the VTGC 2025 Policy Priorities. Please see the presentation here and check out the video of our testimony (27:30). Chair Mike Marcotte from the Commerce Committee is the lead sponsor on our key priority bill that aims to study a pathway to a mechanism for recognition of private landowners who provide public access trails. We eagerly await the introduction of this bill that includes:
- Commission of a study led by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and the VT Trails and Greenways Council to develop landowner Incentives for Public Recreation;
- Analysis of the economic impact of public trails on private land, what motivates landowners to provide public access, what prevents landowners from hosting public access and prepare a report with recommendations for how to support obtaining and maintaining public access trails on private land; and
- Integration with a parallel effort to modernize the Vermont Trail System through codifying Best Management Practices (BMPs), led by VT-FPR.
We will be asking for your advocacy in getting this bill over the finish line this session!