Saxon Hill now has over 3 miles of adaptive accessible trails
Town/Region: Essex, VT
Saxon Hill is one of Chittenden County’s most used mountain bike trail networks, managed by Fellowship of The Wheel, one of Vermont Mountain Bike Association’s 28 Chapters. Vermont Mountain Bike Association, in partnership with Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports and Kelly Brush Foundation, assessed over 3 miles of trails.
Fellowship of The Wheel spent the better part of a maintenance season improving and rebuilding parcels of trail, including over 500 ft of expanded boardwalk to allow for the width and camber of an adaptive 3-wheeled bike, meaning over 40 inches wide. Post-assessment, Saxon Hill now has over 3 miles of adaptive accessible trails, with the opportunity for more on the docket in the future, with Saxon’s trails now listed on VMBA’s state-wide accessibility map.