The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides funding for projects defined as transportation alternatives (click here for additional FHWA guidance), including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhancing mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation, trails that serve a transportation purpose, and safe routes to school projects.
Trans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
unds safe and convenient facilities for those Vermonters who desire alternative transportation opportunities. Scoping/feasibility studies are required to compete for design/construction grants. This grant funds transportation trails, so a trail with destinations, such as a school, park, town office, housing development, etc. is most competitive. Typical awards are $300,000. Projects take an average 3-5 years to complete from date of application to end of construction. Studies and design/construction projects require a 20% cash match. Applications due in ~June annually. Use this source for more travelled sidewalks and paths because the path must meet Federal Highway Administration standards.
VHCB Outdoor Recreation Lands Conservation
VHCB funds help protect public access to lands well-suited to recreation, such as the Green River Reservoir, Bolton Backcountry, Mt. Ascutney, and State Wildlife Management Areas. Recreational land and natural areas conserved with VHCB funding are managed by towns and municipalities, non-profit conservation organizations and state agencies such as the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. To learn about public access points for trails, water access, etc, visit the websites of our partnering organizations and agencies, where directions and trail maps are maintained.
Northern Border Regional Collaboration Catalyst Program
The Catalyst Program is designed to stimulate economic growth and inspire partnerships that improve rural economic vitality across the four-state NBRC region. NBRC encourages projects that take a creative approach to addressing an economic need or opportunity in the region, alleviate economic distress, and contribute to economic growth.
Successful projects support a broad range of economic development initiatives such as, but not limited to, projects that modernize and expand access to public water and wastewater services, revitalize transportation infrastructure, establish workforce development programs and facilities, grow the outdoor recreation economy, and provide access to new childcare and healthcare facilities.
Municipal Planning Grant
The Municipal Planning Grant (MPG) program encourages and supports planning and revitalization for local municipalities in Vermont. Awarded annually and administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development, the MPG program works to strengthen Vermont by funding local planning initiatives that support statewide planning goals. Since 1998, the MPG program has provided over $15 million to 240 cities and towns across Vermont to help breathe new life into communities, plan for future growth and development, and improve the quality of life. See our MPG Program Annual Report for more information.
State of Vermont ACCD Better Places Grant
Help make your community a better place! Whether you are dreaming of more parks and green spaces, a vibrant main street, colorful public art projects, community gardens, or cultural events, Better Places grants can help turn your idea into a reality. We invite you to reach out and discuss your local placemaking ideas with us.
The Better Places program provides one on one project coaching, local fundraising support, and matching implementation grants ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 to advance community-led placemaking efforts that create, revitalize, or activate public spaces. The Better Places team will work with you to develop and run a successful crowdfunding campaign that the State will match with a 2:1 matching grant.
Municipalities, local community groups, and nonprofit entities with municipal support may apply. Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis and are required to provide 33% matching funds raised through the Better Places crowdfunding platform managed by Patronicity. Once these funds have been raised, the State provides communities with a two to one (2:1) matching grant to advance your local placemaking project. Additional information about the program and eligibility requirements can be found online in the Better Places Program Guide.